

Bio: This blog is an attempt to chronicle the musings of someone transitioning from "dreaming" to "action" with all the requisite fits and starts along the way. Finding peace in where I am...and where I long to be...that's the balancing act.

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4 thoughts on “About

  1. You were my first feminist role model and I have never forgotten the lessons you taught me about friendship. Thank you for seeing my potential before I did. It truly changed my life.

    • Holly,
      Thank you so much for your kind response. From the first time we met, I knew we were kindred spirits — I was just a little bit farther down the road…but you were so open and inquisitive — so hopeful, kind, and simply brimming with potential! I have so enjoyed spending time with you over the years and feel truly honored to have been a part of your life. Please, take care and keep in touch.

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